Data Format -RGB-D Camera-


Kinect for Xbox 360

File Format


Extension .mp4

Codec:  H265 (not H264!)

Audio: none


In some datasets, no motion video frames are dropped for saving the server storage.
If you intend to process a time sensitive process, please check running frame number treatment. 2014RC has also a problem of jitter in frame rate. (This problem is limited to the data with 10fps videos.)

Decode/Encode commands

Decoding Command Sample
ffmpeg -i downloaded_movie.mp4 -c:v png ./output_dir/%7d.png
Encoding Command at compression
ffmpeg  -i  input_color_%07d.png -c:v hevc -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict experimental -preset veryslow -qp 0 output.mp4

*Currently, not many video player support H265 codec. You should convert H265 video to any other codec you prefer by ffmpeg.


Extension .mov

Codec:  ffv1 (lossless)

Audio: none

Decoding Command Sample
ffmpeg -i downloaded_movie.mp4 -c:v png ./output_dir/%7d.png

* Caution: because the depth data are 16bit grayscale, jpg, bmp or any other video codes will loose the higher bits.

Encoding Command at compression
ffmpeg -i  input_depth_%07d.png\" -c:v ffv1 -pix_fmt gray16le
Time Stamp & Bone Track

See also Microsoft Document for Skelton Frame.

  1. Frame Running Number
  2. time stamp
  3. skeleton.dwFrameNumber
  4. skeleton.dwFlags
  5. skeleton.vFloorClipPlane (x:y:z) (separator ‘:’)
  6. skeleton.vNormalToGravity(x:y:z)
  7. SKELTON_DATA 1 (if detected)
  8. SKELTON_DATA 2 (if detected)
SKELTON_DATA (sepalator ‘|’)

See also Microsoft Document for Skelton Data.

  1. data.eTrackingState
  2. data.dwTrackingID
  3. data.dwEnrollmentIndex
  4. data.dwUserIndex
  5. data.Position (x:y:z)
  6. data.SkeletonPositions[0] (x:y:z)

26.  data.SkeletonPositions[20] (x:y:z)