Data Format -Thermal Camera-




File Format

Raw Data

32bit float

.7z (7zip)
* The png files are saved as 4channel 8bit images. Hence, you need to load the png files by following code, for example.

cv::Mat read 	= cv::imread("temp.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
cv::Mat readImage	= cv::Mat(read.rows, read.cols, CV_32FC1,;
Visualized Data

Extension .mp4

Codec:  H265 (not H264!)

Audio: none

This data image visualized temperature by assigning min. and max. values to blue and red dynamically during the observation. If you need a time sequence of absolute temperature values, use Raw Data provided by 7z.

Decoding Command Sample
ffmpeg -i downloaded_movie.mp4 -c:v png ./output_dir/%7d.png


Encoding Command at compression

ffmpeg  -i  input_%07d.png -c:v hevc -pix_fmt yuv420p -strict experimental -preset veryslow -qp 0 output.mp4

*Currently, not many video player support H265 codec. You should convert H265 video to any other codec you prefer by ffmpeg.