Running Frame Num. v.s. Video Frame Num.

Because of server limitation, we need to save HDD space strictly.

For this reason, we archived data while skipping no motion frames.

This yields a hidden intrinsic frame number: “running frame num,” that is frame number while capturing images by camera.
Because we drops no motion frames, this number does not corresponds to the frame number of archived video.

How to refer the running frame number.

In timestamp.csv files for some kinds of camera data,  running frame num. is printed with timestamps.

If running frame num at nth column is m, it means the real frame number of nth frame in the video is m. Please be careful about the treatment of frame number in Optical / Kinect Cameras.

The detail of motion detection algorithm (for skipping no motion frames) is shown in following paper.

A. Hashimoto et al, “KUSK Dataset: Toward a Direct Understanding of Recipe Text and Human Cooking Activity,”  CEA2014